Did you know
Alphabet did you knows
- Did you know the Hawaiian alphabet has 12 letters
- Did you know the most commonly used letter in the alphabet is E
- Did you know the least used letter in the alphabet is Q
- Did you know if you try to say the alphabet without moving your lips or tongue every letter will sound the same
- Did you know the sentence "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the English alphabet
- Did you know the word 'rhythm' is the longest word without a vowel
- Did you know the letter W is the only letter in the alphabet that has 3 syllables (all others have 1)
- Did you know 1 out of every 8 letters written is an e
- Did you know the Cambodian alphabet has 74 letters
English language did you knows
- Did you know the most commonly used letter in the alphabet is E
- Did you know the least used letter in the alphabet is Q
- Did you know dreamt is the only word that ends in mt
- Did you know the first letters of the months July through to November spell JASON
- Did you know there are only 4 words in the English language which end in 'dous' (they are: hazardous, horrendous, stupendous and tremendous)
- Did you know the oldest word in the English language is 'town'
- Did you know 'Bookkeeper' and 'bookkeeping' are the only 2 words in the English language with three consecutive double letters
- Did you know the word 'Strengths' is the longest word in the English language with just one vowel
- Did you know the dot on top of the letter 'i' is called a tittle
- Did you know the past tense for the English word 'dare' is 'durst'
- Did you know the word 'testify' derived from a time when men were required to swear on their testicles
- Did you know The first English dictionary was written in 1755
- Did you know the word old English word 'juke' meaning dancing lends its name to the juke box
- Did you know 1 out of every 8 letters written is an e
- Did you know the longest one syllable word in the English language is 'screeched'
- Did you know all pilots on international flights identify themselves in English regardless of their country of origin
- Did you know the
expression to 'knuckle down' originated from playing marbles (players
used to put their knuckles to the ground for their best shots)
- Did you know the word 'almost' is the longest in the English language with all the letters in alphabetical order
- Did you know the most commonly used word in English conversation is 'I'
Animal did you knows
- Did you know a bear has 42 teeth
- Did you know an ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain
- Did you know most lipsticks contain fish scales
- Did you know rabbits like licorice
- Did you know a lobsters blood is colorless but when exposed to oxygen it turns blue
- Did you know armadillos have 4 babies at a time and are all the same sex
- Did you know reindeer like bananas
- Did you know the longest recorded flight of a chicken was 13 seconds
- Did you know birds need gravity to swallow
- Did you know a cat has 32 muscles in each ear
- Did you know goldfish can see both infrared and ultraviolet light
- Did you know cats spend 66% of their life asleep
- Did you know macadamia nuts are toxic to dogs
- Did you know spiders are arachnids and not insects
- Did you know Koalas sleep around 18 hours a day
- Did you know all insects have 6 legs
- Did you know African Grey Parrots have vocabularies of over 200 words
- Did you know a giraffe can clean its ears with its 21 inch tongue
- Did you know cats have over 100 vocal chords
- Did you know camel's milk doesn't curdle
- Did you know 11% of people are left handed
- Did you know August has the highest percentage of births
- Did you know unless food is mixed with saliva you can't taste it
- Did you know the average person falls asleep in 7 minutes
- Did you know most lipsticks contain fish scales
- Did you know no two corn flakes look the same
- Did you know lemons contain more sugar than strawberries
- Did you know 8% of people have an extra rib
- Did you know 85% of plant life is found in the ocean
- Did you know Ralph Lauren's original name was Ralph Lifshitz
- Did you know the Hawaiian alphabet has 12 letters
- Did you know 'Topolino' is the name for Mickey Mouse Italy
- Did you know a lobsters blood is colorless but when exposed to oxygen it turns blue
- Did you know the longest recorded flight of a chicken was 13 seconds
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